History of TikiWikiSyntax

Differences from version 4 to 31

@@ -1,168 +1,186 @@

--=General Description=-
-For more detailed information, see the following:
-* ((WikiCharacterFormattingDoc)): bold, italic, underlining, colored text, and monospace (preformatted) text
-* ((WikiListDoc)): bulleted, numbered, and definition lists
-* ((WikiTables)): simple tables
-* ((WikiPageLayoutDoc)): titles, headings, boxes, rules, centered text, and page breaks
-* ((WikiLinkingDoc)): links to Wiki and Web pages
+__Here, you see a list of Tikiwiki syntax markup options.__ If the content format of your site or of a single page is set to <strong>Tikiwiki format</strong> you can style and structure your content like described here. Apart from the wiki syntax called ''Tikiwiki'', Bitweaver offers various other ((LibertyFormats|content formats)). For any content format, ((DataPlugins|data plugins)) let you include images, attachments, tabs, modules and loads of other functionality. To see a listing of the formatting options available on bitweaver.org, consult the tab titled "Format Help", available when editing a page.
-__TIP__: Also see ((PluginsList)); several Wiki plugins provide advanced text formatting capabilities.
+!! Emphasis
+ <tr>
+ <th>Description</th>
+ <th>Example</th>
+ <th>Result</th>
+ <th>Notes</th>
+ </tr>
+ <tr>
+ <td>Headings</td>
+ <td><div>! text</div><div>!! text</div></td>
+ <td><h1>text</h1><h2>text</h2></td>
+ <td>Number of ! correponds to heading level.</td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr>
+ <td>Italics</td>
+ <td>''text''</td>
+ <td><em>text</em></td>
+ <td></td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr>
+ <td>Underline</td>
+ <td>===text===</td>
+ <td><span>text</span></td>
+ <td></td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr>
+ <td>Coloured background</td>
+ <td>++yellow:text++</td>
+ <td><span>text</span></td>
+ <td></td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr>
+ <td>Coloured text</td>
+ <td>~~red:text~~</td>
+ <td><span>text</span></td>
+ <td></td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr>
+ <td>Bold</td>
+ <td>__text__</td>
+ <td><strong>text</strong></td>
+ <td></td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr>
+ <td>Center Text</td>
+ <td>::text::</td>
+ <td>text</td>
+ <td>centers text relative to its container</td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr>
+ <td>Combinations of the above</td>
+ <td>::__~~red:++yellow:text++~~__::</td>
+ <td><span>text</span></td>
+ <td></td>
+ </tr>
-!!Quick Reference
-The following is the same information you see when you click Wiki Quick Help while you're editing a Wiki page.
-Text Formatting Rules:
-__Emphasis:__ ~np~ '' for italics, __ for bold, ''__ for both ~/np~
-__Lists:__ ~np~ * for bullet lists, # for numbered lists, ;term:definition for definiton lists ~/np~
-__Wiki References:__ ~np~ JoinCapitalizedWords or use ((page)) or ((page|desc)) for wiki references ))SomeName(( prevents referencing ~/np~
-__External links:__ ~np~ use square brackets for an external link: [URL] or [URL|link_description] or [URL|description|nocache] (that last form prevents the local Wiki from caching the page; please use that form for large pages!). ~/np~
-__Multi-page pages:__ ~np~use ..<!-- this tag is broken inside of "np"; I've fixed this in HEAD. -- rlpowell, 24 May 2004 -->.page... to separate pages. ~/np~
-__Misc:__ ~np~ "!", "!!", "!!!" make_headings, "----" makes a horizontal rule "===text===" underlines text ~/np~
-__Title bar:__ ~np~ "-=title=-" creates a title bar. ~/np~
-__Images:__ ~np~ "{img src=http://example.com/foo.jpg width=200 height=100 align=center link=http://www.yahoo.com desc=foo}" displays an image height width desc link and align are optional ~/np~
-__Non cacheable images:__ ~np~ "{img src=http://example.com/foo.jpg?nocache=1 width=200 height=100 align=center link=http://www.yahoo.com desc=foo}" displays an image height width desc link and align are optional ~/np~
-__Drawings:__ ~np~ {draw name=foo} creates an editable drawing named "foo". ~/np~
-__Tables:__ ~np~ "||row1-col1|row1-col2|row1-col3 ~/np~
-~np~row2-col1|row2-col2col3||" creates a table ~/np~
-__RSS feeds:__ ~np~ "{rss id=n max=m}" displays rss feed with id=n maximum=m items ~/np~
-__Simple box:__ ~np~ "^Box content^" Creates a box with the data ~/np~
-__Dynamic content:__ ~np~ "{content id=n}" Will be replaced by the actual value of the dynamic content block with id=n ~/np~
-__Colored text:__ ~np~ "~~#FFEE33:some text~~" Will display using the indicated HTML color ~/np~
-__Center:__ ~np~ "::some text::" Will display the text centered ~/np~
-__Non parsed sections:__ "~np~~np~ data ~/np~~/np~" Prevents wiki parsing of the enclosed data.
-__Preformated sections:__ "~np~~p~/np~~np~p~~/np~ data ~np~~/p~/np~~np~p~~/np~" Displays preformated text/code; no Wiki processing is done inside these sections (as with np), and the spacing is fixed (no word wrapping is done).
-__Square Brackets:__ Use ~np~[[foo]~/np~ to show ~np~[foo]~/np~ (in the latest CVS version only).
-__Block Preformatting:__ Indent text with any number of spaces to turn it into a monospaced block that still follows other Wiki formatting instructions. It will be indended with the same number of spaces that you used. Note that this mode does not ppreserve exact spacing and line breaks; use "~np~~p~/np~~np~p~~/np~ data ~np~~/p~/np~~np~p~~/np~" for that.
-__Dynamic variables:__ ~np~ "%name%" Inserts an editable variable ~/np~
-__Insert Module Output:__ ~np~{M ODULE(module=>some_module)}text{M ODULE}~/np~ can be used to insert the output of module "some_module" into your Wiki page. See PluginModule for more information.
-__Rendering Program Code:__ ~np~{C ODE()}some code{C ODE}~/np~ will render "some code" as program code. This plugin has other options; see PluginCode.
-__Direction:__ ~np~"{r2l}", "{l2r}", "{rm}", "{lm}" ~/np~ -- Someone who understands these, please elaborate, and also update templates/tiki-edit_help.tpl -- rlpowell
-__Misc:__ ~np~"{ toc}", "{ maketoc}" prints out a table of contents for the current page based on ! headings, "{cookie}"~/np~ -- Someone who understands these, please elaborate, and also update templates/tiki-edit_help.tpl -- rlpowell
-In addition, here is a guide to the plug-in syntax, which is displayed when you click __Show Plugins Help__ in the __Wiki quick help__ screen. More information on plug-ins is available: PluginsList.
+!! Lists
+ <tr>
+ <th>Description</th>
+ <th>Example</th>
+ <th>Result</th>
+ <th>Notes</th>
+ </tr>
+ <tr>
+ <td>Unordered Lists</td>
+ <td><div>* item 1 </div><div>** item 2</div></td>
+ <td><ul><li>item 1<ul><li>item 2</li></ul></li></ul></td>
+ <td></td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr>
+ <td>Ordered Lists</td>
+ <td><div># item 1 </div><div>## item 2</div></td>
+ <td><ol><li>item 1<ol><li>item 2</li></ol></li></ol></td>
+ <td></td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr>
+ <td>Definition Lists</td>
+ <td>; item 1 : item 2</td>
+ <td><dl><dt>item 1</dt><dd>item 2</dd></dl></td>
+ <td></td>
+ </tr>
-||AVATAR |Displays the user Avatar
-BOX |Insert theme styled box on wiki page
-CATEGORY |Insert list of items for the current/given category into wiki page
-CATORPHANS |Display Tiki objects that have not been categorized
-CATPATH |Insert the full category path for each category that this wiki page belongs to
-CENTER |Centers the plugin content in the wiki page
-CODE |Displays a snippet of code. Set optional paramater ln to 1 if you need line numbering feature.
-COPYRIGHT |Insert copyright notices
-DL |No description available
-EXAMPLE |No description available
-FANCYTABLE |Displays the data using the TikiWiki? odd/even table style
-GAUGE |Displays a graphical GAUGE
-MODULE |Displays a module inlined in page
-MONO |Displays the data using a monospace font
-SORT |Sorts the plugin content in the wiki page
-SPLIT |No description available
-SQL |No description available
-WIKIGRAPH |Renders a graph||
-Check if all these are on the wiki pages and in tiki-edit_help.tpl:
-* Please note that where I say "Done" below I am not claiming to have written everything, but merely to have verified it. --rlpowell
--=titlebar=- -- Done. --rlpowell
-box: ^^ -- Done. --rlpowell
-~~color:text~~ -- Done. --rlpowell
-__bold__ -- Done. --rlpowell
-''italic'' -- Done. --rlpowell
-===underline=== -- Done. --rlpowell
-::center:: -- Done. --rlpowell
+!! Wiki References
+ <tr>
+ <th>Description</th>
+ <th>Example</th>
+ <th>Result</th>
+ <th>Notes</th>
+ </tr>
+ <tr>
+ <td>Automatic link to wiki page</td>
+ <td>CamelCaps</td>
+ <td><a href="#">CamelCaps</a></td>
+ <td></td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr>
+ <td>Automatic link to wiki page</td>
+ <td>under_scores</td>
+ <td><a href="#">under_scores</a></td>
+ <td></td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr>
+ <td>Double Brackets</td>
+ <td>((Page Name|Description))</td>
+ <td><a href="#">Description</a></td>
+ <td>If you leave out the Description, it will display the Page Name.</td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr>
+ <td>Avoid Link Creation</td>
+ <td>))PageName((</td>
+ <td>PageName</td>
+ <td></td>
+ </tr>
-~ pp ~ ~ / pp ~ -- Done. --rlpowell
-~ np ~ ~ / np ~ -- Done. --rlpowell
-[link|desc|nocache] -- Done. --rlpowell
-((Wiki)) -- Done. --rlpowell
-((Wiki|desc)) -- Done. --rlpowell
-))NoWiki(( -- Done. --rlpowell
-{draw name=[string] } -- Done. --rlpowell
-{picture file=[filename]}
-{content id=[id]} -- Done. --rlpowell
-{rcontent id=[id]}
+!! External Links
+ <tr>
+ <th>Description</th>
+ <th>Example</th>
+ <th>Result</th>
+ <th>Notes</th>
+ </tr>
+ <tr>
+ <td>External Link</td>
+ <td>[http://www.example.com|Description]</td>
+ <td><a href="http://www.example.com">Description</a></td>
+ <td>If you leave out the Description, it will display the URL.</td>
+ </tr>
-||ta|ble|s|| -- Done. --rlpowell
-...page... -- Done. -- rlpowell
-*bla-- Done. -- rlpowell
-** tra-la-la
+!! Miscellaneous
+ <tr>
+ <th>Description</th>
+ <th>Example</th>
+ <th>Result</th>
+ <th>Notes</th>
+ </tr>
+ <tr>
+ <td>Horizontal Rule</td>
+ <td>---</td>
+ <td><hr /></td>
+ <td></td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr>
+ <td>Highlighted Bar</td>
+ <td>-=highlighted bar=-</td>
+ <td><span>highlighted bar</span></td>
+ <td></td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr>
+ <td>Highlighted Box</td>
+ <td>^highlighted box^</td>
+ <td><span>highlighted box</span></td>
+ <td></td>
+ </tr>
-!bla -- Done. -- rlpowell
-!! -- Done. -- rlpowell
-!!! -- Done. -- rlpowell
+<hr />
-{rss id=[id]) max=[number] } -- Done. -- rlpowell
-Definition lists
-;blablabla:blablablab blablablabla blabalablablabalba
-;blablabla:blablablab blablablabla blabalablablabalba
-oft-used characters (case insensitive)
-~[number 0-255]~
-{maketoc} -- Done. -- rlpowell
-Bidi markers:
--=Key Function and sub-features=-
--=Related Links=-
--=Typical Uses=-
--=For more information=-
-[http://doc.tikiwiki.org] has good pages about WikiSyntax.
+!! Why use wiki syntax?
+Wiki syntax is a way to add word-processor like formatting to content in the website. Consisting of special characters that you enter along with the text, wiki syntax is designed for non-programmers be easy to use. E.g., typing ~np~__bold text__~/np~ with underscores creates __bold text__. Typing ~np~((Wiki Syntax|link))~/np~ creates a ((Wiki Syntax|link)) to the page ''Wiki Syntax''.
+!! Quicklinks
+Eventually many users memorize the wiki syntax they use, but you don't have to. It the ((QuicklinksPackage|Quicklinks)) package is enabled, the quicklink buttons above the edit window will apply the chosen formatting to any selected text.
+!! Plugins
+If you are looking for a way to include __CODE__ (with highlighting for various languages) or __DIV__ or __IMG and ATTACHMENT__ please refer to ((DataPlugins|the list of data plugins)).
Page History
14 May 2009 (17:48 UTC)
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