History of SchemaChangelog

Differences from version 268 to 329

@@ -1,433 +1,148 @@

-! bitweaver ReleaseTwo Schema changes
+! bitweaver ((ReleaseThree)) Schema & Structural changes
-^This is an ongoing list of __any__ changes to __any__ DataDict array in a schema_inc in __any__ package (except the BitcommercePackage ).^
-These are ReleaseTwo database changes. __DO NOT USE__ these changes if you are on ReleaseOne. If you need to know the changes for ReleaseOne, see the ReleaseOneSchemaChangelog.
-Due to the length of this page, we have split it in two, please consult ReleaseTwoSchemaChangeLog1 for older changes.
-30-JUN-2007 | liberty_content | update primary_attachment_id that treasury will still work | [/xing]
-SQL92|{code source=SQL}
-UPDATE liberty_content SET primary_attachment_id=( SELECT attachment_id FROM liberty_attachments_map lam INNER JOIN liberty_content lc ON ( lc.content_id=lam.content_id ) WHERE lc.content_id=liberty_content.content_id AND lc.content_type_guid='treasuryitem' );
-UPDATE liberty_attachments SET attachment_plugin_guid = 'bitfile' WHERE attachment_plugin_guid = 'treasury';
+17-APR-2010 | liberty | plural content name support | [/will]
+SQL92|{code source=SQL title="Add pos column"}
+ALTER TABLE liberty_content_types RENAME COLUMN content_description TO content_name;
+ALTER TABLE liberty_content_types ADD COLUMN content_name_plural VARCHAR(250);
-22-JUN-2007 | events | rename count column as it is a reserved word | [/lsces]
-SQL92|{code source=SQL}
-ALTER TABLE events RENAME COLUMN count TO r_count;
-21-JUN-2007 | kernel | add session table for ADOdb session managment | [/lsces]
-SQL92|{code source=SQL}
-CREATE TABLE sessions (
- sesskey varchar(32) NOT NULL,
- expiry integer NOT NULL,
- expireref varchar(32),
- session_data text,
- primary key (sesskey)
-19-JUN-2007 | LibertyPackage | add a content connection map to liberty | [/xing]
-SQL92|{code source=SQL}
--- please note that the item_postion column was changed from int to float on the 20-JUN-2007
-CREATE TABLE liberty_content_connection_map (
- from_content_id integer NOT NULL,
- to_content_id integer NOT NULL,
- item_position float
--- now we can add some constraints
-ALTER TABLE ONLY liberty_content_connection_map ADD CONSTRAINT liberty_content_connection_map_pkey PRIMARY KEY (from_content_id, to_content_id);
-ALTER TABLE ONLY liberty_content_connection_map ADD CONSTRAINT liberty_from_content_id_ref FOREIGN KEY (from_content_id) REFERENCES liberty_content(content_id);
-ALTER TABLE ONLY liberty_content_connection_map ADD CONSTRAINT liberty_to_content_id_ref FOREIGN KEY (to_content_id) REFERENCES liberty_content(content_id);
-14-JUN-2007 | LibertyPackage | move fisheye_exif_data to liberty_meta_data | [/xing]
-SQL92|{code source=SQL}
--- you can alter the existing table if you have it
-ALTER TABLE fisheye_exif_data RENAME TO liberty_meta_data;
-ALTER TABLE liberty_meta_data RENAME COLUMN exif_name TO meta_name;
-ALTER TABLE liberty_meta_data RENAME COLUMN exif_value_short TO meta_value_short;
-ALTER TABLE liberty_meta_data RENAME COLUMN exif_value_long TO meta_value_long;
--- MYSQL users use these three to rename the columns
-ALTER TABLE liberty_meta_data CHANGE exif_name meta_name VARCHAR(250) NOT NULL;
-ALTER TABLE liberty_meta_data CHANGE exif_value_short meta_value_short VARCHAR(250);
-ALTER TABLE liberty_meta_data CHANGE exif_value_long meta_value_long TEXT;
+API| {div}
+* Change content type hash references from content_description to content_name
+* Change hash key content_description passed to LibertyContent::getTitle to content_name
+* Better than changing content_description to content_name is to change hash references to __use the get methods__ of LibertyContent or LibertySystem with the content_type_guid {code}
+ LibertyContent::getContentTypeName( plural_version:boolean )
+ LibertySystem::getContentTypeName( content_type_guid:string, plural_version:boolean ){/code}These return the singular by default when the optional 'plural_version' param is not set
+* Change sql selects from liberty_content_type for content_description to content_name and add content_name_plural if desired
+* Update registerContentType in class declarations - change content_description to content_name; you can also add content_name_plural to your class if you wish to add a unique plural of the name, otherwise a default one will be created from the singular by appending an 's' to the end. For example by default a content_name of 'Image' will have a plural of 'Images'. You'll want to set the plural value in cases where appending 's' doesnt not just work; for example words that end in 'y', like 'Gallery' you can specificy the plural as 'Galleries'. For those managing content such as wild animals, like 'Moose' with bitweaver, you would want to declare a plural that is same as the singular: Moose; otherwise bitweaver would create 'Mooses' for you.{/div}
--- If you don't have the liberty_meta_data table to work with, this is how you add it
-CREATE TABLE liberty_meta_data (
- meta_type_guid character varying(16) NOT NULL,
- meta_key character varying(250) NOT NULL,
- meta_title character varying(250) NOT NULL,
- meta_value_short character varying(250),
- meta_value_long text
-CREATE TABLE liberty_meta_content_map (
- content_id integer NOT NULL,
- meta_key character varying(250) NOT NULL
-CREATE TABLE liberty_meta_types (
- meta_type_guid character varying(16) NOT NULL,
- meta_type_title character varying(250)
--- and the constraint
-ALTER TABLE ONLY liberty_meta_content_map ADD CONSTRAINT liberty_meta_content_ref FOREIGN KEY (content_id) REFERENCES liberty_content(content_id);
-14-JUN-2007 | EventsPackage | Add events_invites table for managing invites and add a few indexes for speed. | [/nickpalmer]
-SQL92|{code source=SQL}
+* Use of javascript functions in utils/javascript/bitweaver.js should now always be prefaced with the "BitBase." namespace, ala "BitBase.insertAt('foo')", also toggle & flip are replaced with toggleElementDisplay. See bitweaver.js deprecated functions for more. To find deprecated functions, you can run this bash script:{code source="bash" name="check_js.sh"}for func in addLoadHook setCookieArray getCookieArray setCookie getCookie deleteCookie flip toggle setupShowHide utf16to8 utf8to16 serialize unserialize genPass toggle_dynamic_var setSelectionRange setCaretToPos insertAt showById hideById flipMulti flipIcon setFlipIcon flipWithSign setFlipWithSign getElementValue setElementValue switchCheckboxes disableSubmit go popUpWin closeWin
+ grep -r "$func[ ]*(" */templates/*tpl |grep -v BitBase
+* Logic files no longer should require the root 'bit_setup_inc.php' to start up bitweaver, but instead use a relative pathing mechanism to require_once( '../kernel/setup_inc.php' ); If you have your own code, you can update it with:{code source="bash"}find . -name "*.php" -exec perl -i -wpe 's/\.\.\/bit_setup_inc\.php/..\/kernel\/setup_inc.php/g' {} \;{/code}
-CREATE TABLE events_invites ( invites_id INT4 NOT NULL, content_id INT4 NOT NULL, event_content_id INT4 NOT NULL, user_id INT4 NOT NULL, interest INT4 NOT NULL, guests INT4 , CONSTRAINT "events_users_content_ref" FOREIGN KEY ("content_id") REFERENCES "liberty_content"( "content_id") , CONSTRAINT "events_users_event_content_ref" FOREIGN KEY ("event_content_id") REFERENCES "liberty_content"( "content_id") , PRIMARY KEY (invites_id) );
+! bitweaver ((ReleaseTwo)) Schema changes
-CREATE INDEX events_events_location_idx ON events (location_id);
-CREATE INDEX events_invites_event_idx ON events_invites (event_content_id);
-CREATE INDEX events_invites_user_idx ON events_invites (user_id);
+^This is an ongoing list of __any__ changes to __any__ DataDict array in a schema_inc in __any__ package (except: ((BitcommercePackage)) ).^
-CREATE SEQUENCE events_invites_id_seq START 1;
-14-JUN-2007 | LibertyPackage | Initilalise 'common_storage_plugin' | [/lsces]
-SQL92|{code source=SQL}INSERT INTO kernel_config VALUES ( 'common_storage_plugin', 'liberty', 'bitfile' ){/code}
-14-JUN-2007 | EventsPackage | interval is reserved on MySQL so needs changing | [/lsces]
-SQL92|{code source=SQL}
-ALTER TABLE events RENAME COLUMN interval TO event_interval;
-13-JUN-2007 | LibertyPackage | add order column to libert_attachment_map | [/lsces]
-ADODB |Later a unique index would be useful on attachement_id, item_position but is probably going to be database specific.{code source=SQL}
-ALTER TABLE liberty_attachments_map ADD item_position INT;
-12-JUN-2007 | LibertyPackage | add primary_attachment_id to directly associate an attachment with content | [/xing], [/nickpalmer]
-SQL92 | {code source=SQL}
-ALTER TABLE liberty_content ADD COLUMN primary_attachment_id int;
-ALTER TABLE liberty_content ADD CONSTRAINT liberty_content_attachment_ref FOREIGN KEY (primary_attachment_id) REFERENCES liberty_attachments (attachment_id);
-10-JUN-2007 | EventsPackage | massive update to prepare for new functionality | [/nickpalmer]
-SQL92 | {code source=SQL}
+These are ((ReleaseTwo)) database changes. __DO NOT USE__ these changes if you are on ((ReleaseOne)). If you need to know the changes for ((ReleaseOne)), see the ((ReleaseOneSchemaChangelog)). If you are not sure what this is all about or how to use the information on this page, read the ((How To Use SchemaChangelog)).
-CREATE TABLE events_types (
-type_id int,
-name varchar(30) NOT NULL,
-description varchar(160)
-CREATE SEQUENCE events_types_id_seq;
-CREATE UNIQUE INDEX events_type_id_idx ON events_types(type_id);
-ALTER TABLE events ADD COLUMN cost varchar(160);
-ALTER TABLE events ADD COLUMN type_id int;
-ALTER TABLE events ADD COLUMN location_id int;
-ALTER TABLE events ADD COLUMN frequency int;
-ALTER TABLE events ADD COLUMN interval int;
-ALTER TABLE events ADD COLUMN count int;
-ALTER TABLE events ADD COLUMN end_date int;
-ALTER TABLE events ADD COLUMN bylists text;
-ALTER TABLE events ADD CONSTRAINT events_content_ref FOREIGN KEY (content_id) REFERENCES liberty_content (content_id);
-ALTER TABLE events ADD CONSTRAINT events_type_ref FOREIGN KEY (type_id) REFERENCES events_types (type_id);
-CREATE TABLE events_on (
-content_id int,
-event_on int
-ALTER TABLE events_on ADD CONSTRAINT events_on_content_ref FOREIGN KEY (content_id) REFERENCES liberty_content (content_id);
-CREATE UNIQUE INDEX events_on_id_idx ON events_on(content_id);
-CREATE INDEX event_on_on_idx ON events_on(event_on);
+Due to the length of this page, we have split it in two, please consult the following pages for older schema changes:
+23-NOV-2009 | liberty | Add pos column | [/lsces]
+SQL92|{code source=SQL title="Add pos column"}
+ALTER TABLE liberty_content_links ADD COLUMN pos FLOAT;
-01-JUN-2007 | WikiPackage | remove unused columns | [/xing]
-SQL92 | {code source=SQL}
-ALTER TABLE wiki_pages DROP COLUMN page_cache;
-ALTER TABLE wiki_pages DROP COLUMN wiki_cache;
-ALTER TABLE wiki_pages DROP COLUMN cache_timestamp;
-ALTER TABLE wiki_pages DROP COLUMN points;
-ALTER TABLE wiki_pages DROP COLUMN votes;
-ALTER TABLE wiki_pages DROP COLUMN page_rank;
+23-NOV-2009 | liberty | Rename reads column | [/lsces]
+SQL92|{code source=SQL title="Rename reads column"}
+ALTER TABLE mail_queue RENAME reads TO hits;
-04-MAY-2007 | NewslettersPackage | add mail_clickthrough and other track | [/spider]
-SQL92 | {code source=SQL}
-CREATE TABLE mail_clickthrough ( user_id INT NOT NULL, content_id INT NOT NULL, clicked_url VARCHAR(250) NOT NULL, clicks INT, CONSTRAINT mail_clickthrough_user_ref FOREIGN KEY (user_id) REFERENCES users_users (user_id), CONSTRAINT mail_clickthrough_content_ref FOREIGN KEY (content_id) REFERENCES liberty_content (content_id) );
-ALTER TABLE mail_queue ADD COLUMN last_read_ip VARCHAR(40);
-13-APR-2007 (A Friday!)| liberty | split liberty_attachments into two tables | [/nickpalmer]
- SQL92 | {code source=SQL}
--- Create The Table
-CREATE TABLE liberty_attachments_map (
-attachment_id INT NOT NULL,
-content_id INT NOT NULL
--- MYSQL users comment out the next three lines. (And get a REAL database. ;)
-ALTER TABLE liberty_attachments_map ADD CONSTRAINT liberty_attachments_map_unique UNIQUE (attachment_id, content_id);
-ALTER TABLE liberty_attachments_map ADD CONSTRAINT liberty_attachments_map_content_ref FOREIGN KEY (content_id) REFERENCES liberty_content (content_id);
-ALTER TABLE liberty_attachments_map ADD CONSTRAINT liberty_attachments_map_attachment_ref FOREIGN KEY (attachment_id) REFERENCES liberty_attachments (attachment_id);
--- Copy the data over
-INSERT INTO liberty_attachments_map (attachment_id, content_id) (SELECT attachment_id, content_id FROM liberty_attachments);
--- Drop the old column
-ALTER TABLE liberty_attachments DROP COLUMN content_id;
-5-APR-2007 | events | add new cols for event end time. multi-day events not yet supported | [/nickpalmer]
- SQL92 | {code source=SQL}
-ALTER TABLE events ADD end_time INT;
-02-APR-2007 | themes tables | simplify themes schema | [/xing]
-SQL92 | {code source=SQL}
--- see comment at bottom of page for MySQL
--- rename old themes_layouts table to a temporary table name
-ALTER TABLE themes_layouts RENAME to themes_layouts_original;
+* ((ReleaseTwo Schema Changelog 2007))
+* ((ReleaseTwo Schema Changelog 2006))
--- create new themes_layouts table
--- module_id is PRIMARY - constraint added below
-CREATE TABLE themes_layouts (
- module_id integer NOT NULL,
- title VARCHAR(255),
- layout VARCHAR(160) DEFAULT 'kernel' NOT NULL,
- layout_area character varying(1) NOT NULL,
- module_rows integer,
- module_rsrc character varying(250) NOT NULL,
- params character varying(255),
- cache_time bigint,
- groups character varying(255),
- pos integer DEFAULT 1 NOT NULL
--- The following only works on real databases. MySQL does count for a plethora of reasons. If someone comes up with the mysql hackish way to do these things, please add it.
--- create PRIMARY constraint
-ALTER TABLE ONLY themes_layouts ADD CONSTRAINT themes_layouts_pkey PRIMARY KEY (module_id);
--- merge data from old layout tables into new table
-CREATE SEQUENCE themes_layouts_module_id_seq;
-INSERT INTO themes_layouts ( module_id, title, layout, layout_area, module_rows, module_rsrc, params, cache_time, groups, pos )
-SELECT NEXTVAL('themes_layouts_module_id_seq'), tlm.title, tl.layout, tl.layout_position, tlm.module_rows, tmm.module_rsrc, tlm.params, tlm.cache_time, tlm.groups, tl.ord
-FROM themes_layouts_modules tlm, themes_layouts_original tl, themes_module_map tmm
-WHERE tlm.module_id=tl.module_id AND tmm.module_id=tlm.module_id AND user_id=1;
--- It should be ok to drop these tables now
--- DROP TABLE themes_layouts_original; DROPing this table will destroy and user created layouts. Stay tuned for an upcoming UserhomePackage
--- DROP TABLE themes_layouts_modules;
--- DROP TABLE themes_module_map;
+20-AUG-2009 | boards | Add section tables | [/spider]
+SQL92|{code source=SQL title="Add section tables"}
+CREATE TABLE boards_sections (section_id INT PRIMARY KEY, section_title VARCHAR(255));
+ALTER TABLE boards ADD COLUMN section_id INT;
-26-MAR-2007 | blogs_posts_map | add field for crossposting note | [/Will]
- SQL92 | {code source=SQL}
-ALTER TABLE blogs_posts_map ADD crosspost_note TEXT;
+24-MAR-2009 | users,liberty,newsletters,semaphore | Update ip columns to 39 chars for IPv6 support | [/spider]
+PGSQL and FIREBIRD|{code source=SQL title="update columns for IPv6"}
+ALTER TABLE liberty_content_history ALTER ip TYPE VARCHAR(39);
+ALTER TABLE liberty_action_log ALTER ip TYPE VARCHAR(39);
+ALTER TABLE shoutbox ALTER shout_ip TYPE VARCHAR(39);
+ALTER TABLE mail_queue ALTER last_read_ip TYPE VARCHAR(39);
-19-MAR-2007 | liberty_content_permissions, users_object_permissions | move users_object_permissions to liberty_content_permissions | [/spiderr]
- SQL92 | {code source=SQL}
-ALTER TABLE users_object_permissions RENAME to liberty_content_permissions;
-ALTER TABLE liberty_content_permissions RENAME object_id TO content_id;
--- MySQL users replace above query with: ALTER TABLE liberty_content_permissions CHANGE object_id content_id INT;
-ALTER TABLE liberty_content_permissions ADD CONSTRAINT liberty_content_perm_content_ref FOREIGN KEY (content_id) REFERENCES liberty_content(content_id);
+MYSQL|{code source=SQL title="update columns for IPv6"}
+ALTER TABLE users_cnxn MODIFY ip VARCHAR(39);
+ALTER TABLE liberty_content_history MODIFY ip VARCHAR(39);
+ALTER TABLE liberty_action_log MODIFY ip VARCHAR(39);
+ALTER TABLE shoutbox MODIFY shout_ip VARCHAR(39);
+ALTER TABLE mail_queue MODIFY last_read_ip VARCHAR(39);
-9-MAR-2007 | blog_posts, blogs_posts_map | add blogs posts normalization | [/spiderr], [/Will]
- SQL92 | {code source=SQL}
-CREATE TABLE blogs_posts_map ( post_content_id INT NOT NULL, blog_content_id INT NOT NULL, date_added INT );
--- Might be necessary for postgres, etc. so CONSTRAINTS work.
-CREATE UNIQUE INDEX blog_posts_content_idx ON blog_posts(content_id);
-CREATE UNIQUE INDEX blogs_content_idx ON blogs(content_id);
-ALTER TABLE blogs_posts_map ADD CONSTRAINT blogs_posts_map_post_ref FOREIGN KEY (post_content_id) REFERENCES blog_posts (content_id);
-ALTER TABLE blogs_posts_map ADD CONSTRAINT blogs_posts_map_blog_ref FOREIGN KEY (blog_content_id) REFERENCES blogs (content_id);
-INSERT INTO blogs_posts_map (post_content_id,blog_content_id,date_added) (SELECT bp.content_id,b.content_id,lc.created FROM blog_posts bp INNER JOIN blogs b ON(bp.blog_id=b.blog_id) INNER JOIN liberty_content lc ON(bp.content_id=lc.content_id) );
-ALTER TABLE blog_posts DROP COLUMN blog_id;
+OCI|{code source=SQL title="update columns for IPv6"}ALTER TABLE users_cnxn MODIFY (ip TYPE VARCHAR2(39));
+ALTER TABLE liberty_content_history MODIFY (ip TYPE VARCHAR2(39));
+ALTER TABLE liberty_action_log MODIFY (ip TYPE VARCHAR2(39));
+ALTER TABLE shoutbox MODIFY (shout_ip TYPE VARCHAR2(39);
+ALTER TABLE mail_queue MODIFY (last_read_ip TYPE VARCHAR2(39);
-9-MAR-2007 | boards | add migrate_board_id to allow phpbb redirects | [/spiderr]
- SQL92 | {code source=SQL}
-ALTER TABLE boards ADD COLUMN migrate_board_id INT;
+13-NOV-2008 | wiki | Drop unused wiki tables | [/xing]
+SQL92|{code source=SQL title="Drop unused wiki tables"}
+DROP TABLE wiki_received_pages;
+DROP TABLE wiki_tags;
+DROP TABLE wiki_ext;
-9-MAR-2007 | liberty | change values for some content_status_id | [/nickpalmer]
- SQL92 | {code source=SQL}
-INSERT INTO liberty_content_status (content_status_id, content_status_name) VALUES (-5, 'New Draft');
-UPDATE liberty_content SET content_status_id = -5 WHERE content_status_id = 10;
-DELETE FROM liberty_content_status where content_status_name = 'Draft';
-UPDATE liberty_content_status set content_status_name = 'Draft' WHERE content_status_name = 'New Draft';
-INSERT INTO liberty_content_status (content_status_id, content_status_name) VALUES (-1, 'New Pending Approval');
-UPDATE liberty_content SET content_status_id = -1 WHERE content_status_id = 101;
-DELETE FROM liberty_content_status where content_status_name = 'Pending Approval';
-UPDATE liberty_content_status set content_status_name = 'Pending Approval' WHERE content_status_name = 'New Pending Approval';
+12-NOV-2008 | liberty | fix column types | [/SpOOnman]
+SQL92|{code source=SQL title="fix column types"}
+ALTER TABLE liberty_content_history ALTER COLUMN user_id TYPE INTEGER;
+--pgsql use:
+ALTER TABLE liberty_content_history ALTER COLUMN user_id TYPE INTEGER USING user_id::int;
+ALTER TABLE wiki_footnotes ALTER COLUMN user_id TYPE INTEGER USING user_id::int;
+--mysql use:
+ALTER TABLE `liberty_content_history` CHANGE `user_id` `user_id` INTEGER;
+ALTER TABLE `wiki_footnotes` CHANGE `user_id` `user_id` INTEGER;
-3-MAR-2007 | blog_posts | add permissions for viewing future dated and expired posts | [/wjames5]
- SQL92 | {code source=SQL}
-INSERT INTO users_permissions( perm_name,perm_desc, perm_level, package ) VALUES( 'p_blogs_posts_read_future', 'Can view future dated posts', 'editors', 'blogs' );
-INSERT INTO users_permissions( perm_name,perm_desc, perm_level, package ) VALUES( 'p_blogs_posts_read_expired', 'Can view expired posts', 'editors', 'blogs' );
+14-AUG-2008 | gmap | update icon table to have a theme_id association | [/wjames5]
+SQL92|{code source=SQL title="longer maptype descriptions."}
+ALTER TABLE gmaps_maptypes ALTER COLUMN description TYPE TEXT;
+--mysql use:
+ALTER TABLE gmaps_maptypes CHANGE description description TEXT;
-2-MAR-2007 | blog_posts | add new cols for future dating posts and setting expiration date | [/wjames5]
- SQL92 | {code source=SQL}
-ALTER TABLE blog_posts ADD publish_date INT;
-ALTER TABLE blog_posts ADD expire_date INT;
-1-MAR-2007 | liberty_process_queue | add new table for background processing queues | [/xing]
- SQL92 | {code source=SQL}
-CREATE TABLE liberty_process_queue (
- process_id serial NOT NULL,
- content_id integer NOT NULL,
- queue_date int8 NOT NULL,
- begin_date int8,
- end_date int8,
- process_status character varying(64),
- log_message text,
- processor character varying(250),
- processor_parameters text
--- MYSQL Version: CREATE TABLE liberty_process_queue ( process_id INT NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY AUTO_INCREMENT, content_id integer NOT NULL, queue_date int8 NOT NULL, begin_date INT8, end_date INT8, process_status character varying(64), log_message text, processor character varying(250), processor_parameters text );
-26-FEB-2007 | liberty_action_log | reset liberty_action_logs column properties | [/xing]
- SQL92 | {code source=SQL}
-ALTER TABLE liberty_action_log RENAME log_message TO temp_message;
-ALTER TABLE liberty_action_log ADD COLUMN log_message VARCHAR(250) NOT NULL DEFAULT '';
-UPDATE liberty_action_log set log_message = temp_message;
-ALTER TABLE liberty_action_log DROP COLUMN temp_message;
+14-AUG-2008 | gmap | update icon table to have a theme_id association | [/wjames5]
+SQL92|{code source=SQL title="Add theme_id"}
+ALTER TABLE gmaps_icon_styles ADD COLUMN theme_id INT4 NOT NULL;
-ALTER TABLE liberty_action_log RENAME error_message TO temp_error;
-ALTER TABLE liberty_action_log ADD COLUMN error_message VARCHAR(250) NOT NULL DEFAULT '';
-UPDATE liberty_action_log set temp_error = '' WHERE temp_error IS NULL;
-UPDATE liberty_action_log set error_message = temp_error;
-ALTER TABLE liberty_action_log DROP COLUMN temp_error;
-16-FEB-2007 | liberty_thumbnail_queue | move liberty_thumbnail_queue from fisheye schema_inc.php to liberty, and add processor and processor_parameters columns to liberty_thumbnail_queue for future flexibility | [/spider]
- SQL92 | {code source=SQL}
-ALTER TABLE liberty_thumbnail_queue ADD processor VARCHAR(250);
-ALTER TABLE liberty_thumbnail_queue ADD processor_parameters VARCHAR(250);
-16-JAN-2007 | kernel_config | update config names to tie in with the rest of bitweaver | [/xing]
- SQL92 | {code source=SQL}
-UPDATE kernel_config SET config_name='i18n_browser_languages' WHERE config_name='browser_languages';
-UPDATE kernel_config SET config_name='i18n_interactive_translation' WHERE config_name='interactive_translation';
-UPDATE kernel_config SET config_name='i18n_interactive_bittranslation' WHERE config_name='interactive_bittranslation';
-UPDATE kernel_config SET config_name='i18n_record_untranslated' WHERE config_name='languages_record_untranslated';
-UPDATE kernel_config SET config_name='i18n_track_translation_usage' WHERE config_name='track_translation_usage';
-13-OCT-2006 | liberty | Aliases for liberty content modified to allow composite primary key | [/lsces]
- SQL92 | {code source=SQL}
-CREATE TABLE liberty_aliases( content_id INT NOT NULL, alias_title VARCHAR(190), CONSTRAINT liberty_aliases_content_fkey FOREIGN KEY (content_id) REFERENCES liberty_content(content_id) );
-11-OCT-2006 | nexus_plugins | NexusPackage cleanup | [/xing]
- SQL92 | {code source=SQL}
-DROP TABLE nexus_plugins;
-11-OCT-2006 | liberty_meta_data | LibertyPackage meta data tables - can be used for Fisheye EXIF, etc. | [/spider]
- SQL92 | {code source=SQL}
-CREATE TABLE liberty_meta_types( meta_type_guid VARCHAR(16) PRIMARY KEY, meta_type_title VARCHAR(250) );
-CREATE TABLE liberty_meta_data ( content_id INT NOT NULL, meta_type_guid VARCHAR(16) NOT NULL, meta_key VARCHAR(250) NOT NULL, meta_title VARCHAR(250) NOT NULL, meta_value_short VARCHAR(250), meta_value_long TEXT, CONSTRAINT liberty_meta_content_ref FOREIGN KEY (content_id) REFERENCES liberty_content(content_id), CONSTRAINT liberty_meta_guid_ref FOREIGN KEY (meta_type_guid) REFERENCES liberty_meta_types(meta_type_guid) );
-11-OCT-2006 | blogs | Convert Blogs to Content | [/spider]
- SQL92 | {code source=SQL}
-INSERT INTO liberty_content_types (content_type_guid, content_description, maintainer_url, handler_class, handler_package, handler_file) VALUES ('bitblog', 'Blog', 'http://www.bitweaver.org', 'BitBlog', 'blogs', 'BitBlog.php');
-ALTER TABLE blogs ADD content_id INT;
-UPDATE blogs SET content_id = nextval('liberty_content_id_seq');
-INSERT INTO liberty_content (content_id, title, data, created, last_modified, user_id, modifier_user_id, format_guid, content_type_guid, content_status_id) (SELECT content_id, title, description, created, last_modified, user_id, user_id, 'tikiwiki', 'bitblog', 50 FROM blogs);
-INSERT INTO liberty_content_hits (content_id, hits) (SELECT content_id,hits FROM blogs);
-ALTER TABLE blogs RENAME public_blog TO is_public;
-ALTER TABLE blogs DROP title;
-ALTER TABLE blogs DROP description;
-ALTER TABLE blogs DROP created;
-ALTER TABLE blogs DROP last_modified;
-ALTER TABLE blogs DROP user_id;
-ALTER TABLE blogs DROP hits;
-ALTER TABLE blogs ADD CONSTRAINT blogs_content_id_ref FOREIGN KEY (content_id) REFERENCES liberty_content(content_id);
-06-OCT-2006 | liberty | Aliases for liberty content | [/spider]
- SQL92 | {code source=SQL}
-CREATE TABLE liberty_aliases( alias_name VARCHAR(250), content_id INT NOT NULL, CONSTRAINT liberty_aliases_content_fkey FOREIGN KEY (content_id) REFERENCES liberty_content(content_id) );
-20-SEP-2006 | ((Liberty Content Status)) | [/spider]
- SQL92 | {code source=SQL}
-CREATE TABLE liberty_content_status ( content_status_id INT4 NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY, content_status_name VARCHAR(128) NOT NULL );
-ALTER TABLE liberty_content ADD COLUMN content_status_id INT4;
-ALTER TABLE liberty_content ADD CONSTRAINT libert_content_status_ref FOREIGN KEY (content_status_id) REFERENCES liberty_content_status(content_status_id);
-INSERT INTO liberty_content_status (content_status_id,content_status_name) VALUES (-999, 'Deleted');
-INSERT INTO liberty_content_status (content_status_id,content_status_name) VALUES (-998, 'Spam');
-INSERT INTO liberty_content_status (content_status_id,content_status_name) VALUES (-201, 'Suspended');
-INSERT INTO liberty_content_status (content_status_id,content_status_name) VALUES (-100, 'Denied');
-INSERT INTO liberty_content_status (content_status_id,content_status_name) VALUES (-40, 'Private');
-INSERT INTO liberty_content_status (content_status_id,content_status_name) VALUES (-30, 'Password Protected');
-INSERT INTO liberty_content_status (content_status_id,content_status_name) VALUES (-20, 'Group Protected');
-INSERT INTO liberty_content_status (content_status_id,content_status_name) VALUES (-10, 'Hidden');
-INSERT INTO liberty_content_status (content_status_id,content_status_name) VALUES (10, 'Draft');
-INSERT INTO liberty_content_status (content_status_id,content_status_name) VALUES (50, 'Available');
-INSERT INTO liberty_content_status (content_status_id,content_status_name) VALUES (101, 'Pending Approval');
-INSERT INTO liberty_content_status (content_status_id,content_status_name) VALUES (102, 'Commercial');
-INSERT INTO liberty_content_status (content_status_id,content_status_name) VALUES (200, 'Recommended');
-INSERT INTO liberty_content_status (content_status_id,content_status_name) VALUES (999, 'Copy Protected');
-UPDATE liberty_content SET content_status_id=50;
-ALTER TABLE liberty_content ALTER content_status_id SET NOT NULL;
-15-SEP-2006| LibertyPackage | clean up liberty_action_log table and make use of it in liberty | [/xing]
-SQL92| {code source=SQL}
-ALTER TABLE liberty_action_log RENAME COLUMN log_action TO log_message;
-ALTER TABLE liberty_action_log RENAME COLUMN action_comment TO -- change column action_error to have a char length limit of 250 chars
-ALTER TABLE liberty_action_log ALTER COLUMN error_message TYPE VARCHAR(250);
-ALTER TABLE liberty_action_log ALTER content_id DROP NOT NULL;
-13-SEP-2006| StarsPackage| reverted to original stars version and forked version rating stars to superstars | [/xing]
-Please revert all stars changes in here if you want to use bitweaver version of stars or download and use _bit_superstars
-09-SEP-2006| StarsPackage| remove stars table, add update_count colums to stars_version and stars_history, add indexs to enforce unique constraints | [/jht001]
-SQL 92 |{code source="sql"}
-drop table stars;
-ALTER TABLE stars_version ADD COLUMN update_count INT4 default 0;
-ALTER TABLE stars_history ADD COLUMN update_count INT4 default 0;
-ALTER TABLE stars_version ADD PRIMARY KEY(content_id,version);
-ALTER TABLE stars_history ADD PRIMARY KEY(content_id,version,user_id);
+-- NOTE: You must run the installer step 4 "Resolve Conflicts" to also add a new gmaps_icon_themes table before trying to add this constraint.
+ALTER TABLE gmaps_icon_styles ADD CONSTRAINT gmaps_icon_theme_ref FOREIGN KEY (theme_id) REFERENCES gmaps_icon_themes(theme_id);
+23-MAY-2008 | liberty | replace old unused meta tables with new ones | [/xing]
+SQL92|{code source=SQL title="Remove old unused tables and replace them with new ones"}
+-- remove unused meta tables
+DROP TABLE liberty_meta_content_map;
+DROP TABLE liberty_meta_data;
+DROP TABLE liberty_meta_types;
-06-SEP-2006| FisheyePackage |add image position fractional ordering to image galleries | [/spider]
-SQL 92 |{code source="sql"}
-ALTER TABLE fisheye_gallery_image_map RENAME item_position TO old_position;
-ALTER TABLE fisheye_gallery_image_map ADD COLUMN item_position FLOAT;
-UPDATE fisheye_gallery_image_map SET item_position = old_position;
-ALTER TABLE fisheye_gallery_image_map DROP COLUMN old_position;
+-- add new meta tables
+-- Expand TEXT as appropriate ( FB -> BLOB SUB_TYPE TEXT )
+CREATE TABLE liberty_attachment_meta_data (
+ attachment_id INT NOT NULL,
+ meta_type_id INT NOT NULL,
+ meta_title_id INT NOT NULL,
+ meta_value TEXT
+CREATE TABLE liberty_meta_types (
+ meta_type_id INT PRIMARY KEY,
+ meta_type VARCHAR(250) NOT NULL
+CREATE TABLE liberty_meta_titles (
+ meta_title_id INT PRIMARY KEY,
+ meta_title VARCHAR(250) NOT NULL
+ALTER TABLE liberty_attachment_meta_data ADD CONSTRAINT lib_attachment_meta_id_ref FOREIGN KEY (attachment_id) REFERENCES liberty_attachments(attachment_id);
+ALTER TABLE liberty_attachment_meta_data ADD CONSTRAINT lib_attachment_meta_type_ref FOREIGN KEY (meta_type_id) REFERENCES liberty_meta_types(meta_type_id);
+ALTER TABLE liberty_attachment_meta_data ADD CONSTRAINT lib_attachment_meta_title_ref FOREIGN KEY (meta_title_id) REFERENCES liberty_meta_titles(meta_title_id);
+CREATE UNIQUE INDEX lib_attachment_meta_idx ON liberty_attachment_meta_data(attachment_id,meta_type_id,meta_title_id);
-21-AUG-2006| UsersPackage | add password expiration | [/jht001]
-SQL 92 |{code source="sql"}
-ALTER TABLE users_users ADD COLUMN provpass_expires INT8;
-21-AUG-2006| StarsPackage | add perversion ratings | [/hash9]
-SQL 92 |{code source="sql"}
-CREATE TABLE stars_version ( content_id INTEGER NOT NULL, version INTEGER NOT NULL, rating_count INTEGER, rating INTEGER, CONSTRAINT stars_version_ref FOREIGN KEY (content_id) REFERENCES liberty_content( content_id ));
-18-AUG-2006| LibertyPackage | move highly volatile hits columns out of liberty_content and into a separate table | [/jht001] and [/spiderr]
-SQL 92 |{code source="sql"}
-CREATE TABLE liberty_content_hits ( content_id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY, hits INTEGER NOT NULL DEFAULT 1, last_hit BIGINT, CONSTRAINT liberty_content_hits_ref FOREIGN KEY (content_id) REFERENCES liberty_content( content_id ));
-INSERT INTO liberty_content_hits ( content_id, hits, last_hit ) (SELECT content_id, hits, last_hit FROM liberty_content);
-ALTER TABLE liberty_content DROP hits;
-ALTER TABLE liberty_content DROP last_hit;
-26-JUL-2006| LibertyPackage | Add anonymous name to comments | [/Hash9]
-SQL 92 |{code source="sql"}
-ALTER TABLE liberty_comments ADD anon_name VARCHAR(40);
-17-JUL-2006| UsersPackage | Improve users_cnxn to record user assumption ID | [/spider]
-SQL 92 |{code source="sql"}
-ALTER TABLE users_cnxn ADD assume_from_user_id INT;
-10-JUL-2006| multisites | added per site content restricitions | [/nickpalmer]
-CREATE| {code source="sql"}
-CREATE TABLE multisite_content ( multisite_id INTEGER NOT NULL, content_id INTEGER NOT NULL , CONSTRAINT multisite_content_ref FOREIGN KEY (content_id) REFERENCES liberty_content( content_id ) , CONSTRAINT multisite_multisite_ref FOREIGN KEY (multisite_id) REFERENCES multisites( multisite_id ), PRIMARY KEY (multisite_id, content_id) );
-INSERT INTO `kernel_config`(`package`,`config_name`,`config_value`) VALUES ('multisites', 'multisites_per_site_content','y');
-INSERT INTO `kernel_config`(`package`,`config_name`,`config_value`) VALUES ('multisites', 'multisites_use_jstab','y');
-INSERT INTO `kernel_config`(`package`,`config_name`,`config_value`) VALUES ('multistes', 'multisites_limit_member_number','10');
-INSERT INTO `users_permissions` (`perm_name`, `perm_desc`, `perm_level`, `package`) VALUES ('p_multisites_restrict_content', 'Can restrict content to certain sites', 'editor', 'multisites');
-INSERT INTO `users_permissions` (`perm_name`, `perm_desc`, `perm_level`, `package`) VALUES ('p_multisites_view_restricted', 'Can view all site restricted content', 'admin', 'multisites');
-12-JUN-2006| fisheye | image comment - no more useful after spider changes| [/sylvie]
-SQL 92 |{code source="sql"}
-OBSOLETE: ALTER TABLE fisheye_gallery ADD COLUMN image_comment VARCHAR(1);
-12-MAY-2006| shoutbox | record IP | [/spider]
-SQL 92 |{code source="sql"}
-ALTER TABLE shoutbox ADD COLUMN shout_ip VARCHAR(16);
-12-MAY-2006|users_permissions, users_group_permissions|p_wiki_view_history|[/sylvie]
-SQL 92 |{code source="sql"}
-INSERT INTO `users_permissions` (`perm_name`,`perm_desc`, `perm_level`, `package`) VALUES ('p_wiki_view_history', 'Can view page history', 'basic', 'wiki');
-INSERT INTO `users_group_permissions` (`group_id`, `perm_name`) VALUES (-1,'p_wiki_view_history');
-8-MAY-2006|users_groups|to have a after registration page|[/sylvie]
-SQL 92 |{code source="sql"}
-ALTER TABLE users_groups ADD COLUMN after_registration_page varchar(255);
-5-MAY-2006|liberty_plugins|add plugin_path column that plugins can be kept in any directory without having to scan for them when parsing|[/xing]
-SQL 92 | {code source="sql"}
-ALTER TABLE liberty_plugins ADD COLUMN plugin_path varchar(250);
-5-MAY-2006|liberty_content_prefs|rename some liberty_content_prefs column for consistency|[/xing]
-SQL 92 | {code source="sql"}
-ALTER TABLE liberty_content_prefs RENAME COLUMN name TO pref_name;
+10-MAY-2008 | liberty | add a liberty_attachment_prefs table | [/xing]
+SQL92|{code source=SQL}
+CREATE TABLE liberty_attachment_prefs (
+ attachment_id INT,
+ pref_name VARCHAR(40),
+ pref_value VARCHAR(250)
+CREATE UNIQUE INDEX liberty_att_prefs_att_name_idx ON liberty_attachment_prefs(attachment_id,pref_name);
+CREATE INDEX liberty_att_prefs_att_idx ON liberty_attachment_prefs(attachment_id);
+ALTER TABLE liberty_attachment_prefs ADD CONSTRAINT lib_att_prefs_content_ref FOREIGN KEY (attachment_id) REFERENCES liberty_attachments(attachment_id);
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