History of PrettyUrls

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Version 2Current version
PrettyUrls use apache's mod_rewrite module to handle URL rewriting to convert http://www.fubar.com/blogs/1 to http://www.fubar.com/blogs/index.php?post_id=1

So far blogs and users have code added to handle the checkbox for PrettUrls in Admin -> Features
PrettyUrls use the Apache webserver's mod_rewrite module to handle URL rewriting to convert browser references such as
to web server references such as

So far Blogs, Wiki, Fisheye and Users have had code added to handle the feature:

Where to find it

Look for PrettyUrls in Admin -> Kernel -> Features

NB: If mod_rewrite is not activated, activating this feature will generally disable all the links in left and right hand columns.

About mod_rewrite

mod_rewrite comes as part of apache by default and has to be enabled in your httpd.conf file:

<Directory />
    Options FollowSymLinks
    AllowOverride None

goes to

<Directory />
    Options FollowSymLinks
    AllowOverride FileInfo

this should be done for the / dir and your html dir such as /var/www/

First note

Depending on your web server configuration, the default supplied .htaccess files may not work. One thing to try is to comment out the "RewriteBase" line in the file. For example:

       RewriteBase     /wiki/

goes to

#       RewriteBase     /wiki/

Second note

There can be issues with mod_rewrite in apache when your pretty url partially matches a filename that already phisycally exists in the same directory and Option MultiViews is turned on. For example in Treasury package:

RewriteRule    ^download/([0-9]+)?(\&.*)?$  download.php?content_id=$1$2  [L,QSA]

Apache searches for a file download and it partially matches download.php. Option MultiViews allows apache to reach download.php literally as download.php but also as download. It happends before RewriteRule is applied, so in fact your request goes do download.php but because of MultiViews, not mod_rewrite and therefore with no arguments.

To solve this you have to turn off Option MutliViews in your apache configuration or in this directory in your .htaccess file:

Option -MutliViews
RewriteRule    ^download/([0-9]+)?(\&.*)?$  download.php?content_id=$1$2  [L,QSA]

Information about apache's MultiViews can be found on http://httpd.apache.org/docs/2.2/content-negotiation.html#page-header and some blog posts that explain it are on http://drupal.org/node/42987 and http://www.gerd-riesselmann.net/archives/2005/04/beware-of-apaches-multiviews.

See Also:

Page History
30 Jun 2008 (09:17 UTC)
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