History of bitweaverUpgrade

Version 49


How to Upgrade bitweaver

Created by: Edwin, Last modification: 24 Jul 2007 (06:38 UTC) by Edwin

Whatever you do, always make a backup. We put a lot of effort into creating reliable installation and upgrade processes and making them as easy and quick as possible, however there are so many different setups and you might be using the one that causes a problem.

Your data

The following files and directories contain dynamically stored data - in other words, data that you or your users created. You'll want to copy that to your new installation:
Contains all the database access information.
Contains all files that have been uploaded by your users.
Contains some cached items, but also custom modules like your Nexus menus.
3rd party applications
phpBB, Gallery2, FCKeditor and so forth have their own configuration files, e.g., /phpbb/config.php

Database changes:

Please consult the schema changelog page for any changes that have occurred to any package. We never make table alterations to stable branches. However you might find that some permissions have been added to the database. If so, please add these by hand with the simple INSERT statements listed on SchemaChangelog. Upgrading from 1.x to 1.y does NOT require that you run the installer, except to add new packages.

General procedure to upgrade:

  1. make a backup of your files (and database if possible - just to be on the safe side).
  2. upload / unpack the downloaded archive in the same location as it was before.
  3. copy the files and directories mentioned above to your new version of bitweaver.
  4. review Install Doc as things like permissions can cause problems.
  5. point your browser to http://my.cool-bitweaver.site/

Sample Upgrade Process

$ mysqldump bitweaver > bitweaver.dump                           # dump the database
$ mysqladmin create bitweaver-1-2                                # create new database
$ mysql bitweaver-1-2 < bitweaver.dump                           # import database into new database
$ cd /var/www/html/                                              # move to your apache document root
$ mv bitweaver/ bitweaver-old/                                   # rename your old bitweaver directory
$ cp -a bitweaver-old/themes/styles/mytheme bitweaver/themes/    # copy accross your custom theme if you have one
$ tar -zxvf ~/downloads/bitweaver_1.2.0.tar.gz                   # extract the new version of bitweaver
$ cp -ru --reply=yes bitweaver-old/storage/*  bitweaver/storage/ # copy storage/
$ cp -ru --reply=yes bitweaver-old/temp/*     bitweaver/temp/    # copy temp/
$ chmod -R 777 bitweaver/storage/ bitweaver/temp/                # make sure apache has permissions to access them
$ sed -e 's/"bitweaver"/"bitweaver-1-2"/g' bitweaver-old/kernel/config_inc.php > bitweaver/kernel/config_inc.php
                                                                 # copy config_inc.php while changing the $gBitDbName value

When using postgresql, replace the first 3 lines:

$ pg_dump bitweaver > bitweaver.dump
$ createdb bitweaver-1-2
$ psql bitweaver-1-2 < bitweaver.dump

If you are using the package phpBB, also do the following steps:

$ cp --reply=yes bitweaver-old/phpbb/config.php bitweaver/phpbb/config.php  # copy your old PHPBB configuration
$ rm -rf bitweaver/phpbb/install/ bitweaver/phpbb/contrib/     # PHPBB will not run when these directories exist

Upgrades from version 1 to version 2

from 1.3 to 2.0

Unpack bitweaver version 2 to some directory and copy your old directories /storage/ and /temp/ into there. Point your browser to yourbitweaver.org/install/install.php and chose the option Upgrade from R1. The installer will now ask for database details. Then, the installer converts your database and your installed packages. After this is done, you can intall new packages from the new version. If something went not so perfect, the installer will point you to it later. This could be missing tables (installer will then try to create them) or unassigned permissions (installer lets you fix them). Some tricks and tipps:
  • be sure to have the file /storage/bit_setup_inc.php in place
  • compare your old /kernel/config_inc.php with the new one just created
  • don't copy files from /temp/templates_c/, they can be deleted
  • your custom style might hold uncompatible modules or templates that cause errors

Upgrades from version 1 to a higher version 1

from 1.3 to 1.3.1

Upgrade of bitweaver: As usual, no database changes have been made. Please upgrade in a similar fashion as outlined below. Please make sure to backup your data. Upgrade of phpBB: phpBB was upgraded to 2.0.20 and requires that you use the phpBB upgrade script. Please view the upgrade instructions that are supplied with phpBB on how to proceed: phpBB install and upgrade instructions

from 1.2.1 to 1.3

The search package has undergone a major re-vamp. It now allows you to re-index your entire site in the admin screen. Make sure to do so after you install 1.3. this will allow users to search all the content on your site reliably. Other than that, all you need to do is visit the installer to install the newsletters package (if you want to use them on your site). Third party applications have all stayed the same and things like phpBB don't require any special treatment.

from 1.2.0 to 1.2.1

Upgrade of bitweaver: Beginning with this version, the installer informs you of any permissions that might not be in use anymore and of permissions that have not been added to your database yet. Please visit this screen after upgrading the filebase of your bitweaver install. You can access the page by pointing your browser to the Resolve Conflicts page in the installer (my.site.com/install/install.php?step=4). We have had several reports about not being able to log in to the site after upgrading. If you are experiencing such a problem, please visit this forum thread and post your problems there, should they persist. Upgrade of phpBB: phpBB was upgraded to 2.0.19 and requires that you use the phpBB upgrade script. Please view the upgrade instructions that are supplied with phpBB on how to proceed: install and upgrade instructions at phpBB.com.

from 1.0.4 to 1.2

As with all stable branches, such as ReleaseOne, no alterations of your database are required. We have added a few new permissions. Most of these will probably not interfere with the running of your site, however we recommend that you have a look through SchemaChangelog for further details and instructions on how to add them to your database.

from 1.0.x to 1.0.4

These are bugfix releases and have no database changes whatsoever. Just copy files that changed and overwrite existing ones.


If you encounter problems, please ask for support in the forum.
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