we have just added a new package to our repository that allows you customise certain aspects of your homepage, depending on what url you are using.

thus it is possible to assign a given theme to the same site if you are using www.bitweaver.org, doc.bitweaver.org or dev.bitweaver.org. the advantage of this approach is, that users feel they are in a different section of your homepage but it's still using the same database, making matinenance easy.

additionally, it allows you to specify the language, making localised versions using en.bitweaver.org, de.bitweaver.org and so on a breeze.

please note that this package is __not__ intended for setting up entirely independed sites with different databases. all urls access the same database.
Page History
03 Jun 2009 (09:23 UTC)
Add a note about theme overrides
Lester Caine81.138.11.1369
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