History of New for R2

We have some lofty goals for the next major version of bitweaver: ReleaseTwo. There are several new features that will greatly enhance the __[http://www.bitweaver.org/wiki/index.php?page=bitweaver#ApplicationFramework|core services]__ available to developers. This is a list of features that are targeted to be in R2. Although this is not a guarantee that all these features will make it in, they are all being developed, and most will make it, and if one or two don't they will be available in follow up minor releases.

ProtectorPackage is a simple and fast access restriction service that will allow you to restrict any content item to a particular group.

StarsPackage is a rating system. Using Stars any content can be rated by your site members.

BoardsPackage is a fully integrated forum, that should replace the existing port of phpbb that is used or forum functionality in bitweaver.

User banning system.

With History all content will automatically have Wiki type history logging. When you build a new package with bitweaver, your content will now get all the power of Wiki history automatically.

All content will support translations for several languages. The plan is to tap into Google translator to auto generate the translations. Even more exciting, each translation version of a content item will also be its own content item with its own history, and bitweaver will take care of automatically associating the different language versions so you don't have to.

Right to Left language support will also be available.

!!User Favorites
User preferences will be upgraded to include favorite content.

!!Content Item Preferences
Any content item in bitweaver will be able to have its own personal preferences.
Page History
14 Apr 2007 (22:47 UTC)
TidBits not really new.
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