History of ReleaseThree

^This is a work in progress and contains only proposals for new features
Add new features if you think they would benefit the bitweaver
Features proposed here are not guaranteed to make it to any release^
!Proposed Features

!!Standardize functions across features.
All main content features in CMS (wiki, article, blog, side module) should have the same core functions - view/edit/history and with the same wiki syntax, and wysiwyg editor.

In other words, from the user's/webmaster's perspective the cms should all be wiki under the hood with many different templates.

Example views
* View
* Edit
* History
* Watch
* List
* View XML
* List XML
* Map Overview

!!Make editing templates wysiwyg too:

Do you want to have a standardized look to some or all of your wiki driven content? I sure do. Rather than have users fumble with formatting and trying to imitate style manuals, have a wysiwyg editor that creates a CSS template for a user definable category of objects.

User story: I have a local band site that i invite local bands to feature themselves in - like a local myspace for bands. I want everyone to be able to wiki themselves a page, but i want all the pages to have similar content in a similar layout. So I define a category "band page
and use bitweaver to create a "band page" template (it looks like a web form when they fill it in) which puts their photo, list of band members, upcoming gigs, band history, musical influences all in a nicely laid out page with cool formatting and images. So all the band has to do now is go wiki-->create new-->band page, fill in the form and bingo - its done.

see also: ((Ultimate wiki cms))

!!Standardize Content Addressing
Based on the standard and extended views/actions, packages should refer to content in foreign packages using universal code syntax.

!!Portal Type Pages
Allow pages to be created either (nominally) as the start page or as the user page that:
* Can contain blocks that can be easily arranged (and constrained)
* The blocks can be drawn from any package
In the case of a user home page layout the blocks base their content on the user browsing the page
Custom blocks can be created and passed though the smarty parser

!!Liberty Service Enhancements
Enhance Liberty Services so that:
* Packages can call functions which return data
* Packages can define on a per-content bias what services are shown
* Services can offer hooks to other services
* Services of the same type can be used in a standard manner

!!In Place Edit
Allow any output generated by the Liberty parsers to be edited in place.

!!Greater JavaScript/XML/AJAX support
Put in the foundations to bitweaver for Javascript, AJAX, and JSON support at the content level.
* Support for proper parsing of content, title, data, and other data to an XML or JavaScript compatible form.
getContentById(id,[type])|get data of a content, the type feild is one of 'json' or 'xml'
getContentList(c_t_guid[type]|get list of a content of a given content_type_guid, the type feild is one of 'json' or 'xml'

!!HTTP Content Contract Compliance
Make bitweaver behave like good web content
*Set the HTTP Last-Modified header to the date the content was last changed
**For lists this could be the latest overall time
* Do not do smarty output for HEAD requests

!!Installer Enhancements
*Enforce package dependencies

!! Layout/Design
* mix layout control and Layout Gala to WYSIWYG
* replace numerous stylesheet and javascript include calls with more optimized solutions. See ((HEADSmart)) for details.
* offer "basic" and "advanced" sets of control elements on the site during navigation, adding & editing content etc. for users, allowing them to choose their level in user prefs
Page History
14 Feb 2010 (21:51 UTC)
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