2.1 will not run on windows - out of the box.

1/ BitSystem 1549 - finfo_open needs the full path to the windows copy of magic.mime
See - [http://pecl.php.net/bugs/bug.php?id=7555|http://pecl.php.net/bugs/bug.php?id=7555]

2/ LibertySystem 576 - verifyMimeType fails because windows temporary file all have .tmp extension.
This is currently skipped when using windows, but needs a tidier security check.
~~red:This has been fixed - or rather is handled in current builds.~~

3/ Not specifically 2.1, but format.pearwiki_general.php causes a silent crash which seems to be due to the windows PEAR installation.
~~red:See notes on installing PEAR~~

4/ Currently slecting download on a treasury image causes a silent crash.
~~red:See notes on installing PEAR::HTTP_Download.~~

5/ Have added a view_grid.php and template to treasury. Still needs a little work, but it does provide the fisheye grid view of images stored in treasury galleries. This should simply replace view.php, once the extra settings can be controlled, but grid layout in fisheye is by gallery and I'm not sure that is possible/required for treasury?
Only missing thing so far is 'Original' as a display option, but this I think needs adding to the LM default.
~~red:image give 'original' option on display, and applications such as .pdf and .zip hide all image buttons.~~

6/ Reload file from treasury file edit fails due to a path problem with the renaming of the original file. Trying to use bitweaver\Temp but fails with 'file exists' error.

__CRIB SHEET for PEAR Installation on Windows__
Just a reminder , but will be useful for new installs.

PHP is installed from the ZIP file, and the PECL zip is also loaded into PHP5_x_x/ext so all are available.
I'm using /Network/ as my base for all the network services, so C:/Network/PHP5_2_5 has the PHP installation.
Open a command prompt ( Start->Programs->Accessories->Command Prompt )
...>cd \Network\PHP5_2_5
...>pear install Auth
...>pear install Text_Wiki
...>pear install Text_Diff
...>pear install Image_Graphviz
...>pear channel-discover htmlpurifier.org
...>pear install hp/HTMPPurifier
...>pear install HTTP
...>pear install HTTP_Download

There were a couple of 'errors' while running this and I had to add
...>pear channel-update pear.php.net
After running the Auth install.

The main problem will ALL of this is that I do not have network access from anuy of the secure machines, so it has to be copied - on-line loading is not an option!
Page History
07 Aug 2008 (10:37 UTC)
go_pear should have been go-pear
Lester Caine81.138.11.1366
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