History of CVS Migration

Differences from version 11 to 26

@@ -7,11 +7,11 @@

 ! Feature !! Git !! Mercurial
 ! Ad-hoc Builds
-| As of git 1.5.3, there is a concept known as [http://en.wikibooks.org/wiki/Git/Submodules_and_Superprojects|super modules]
+| width=45% | As of git 1.5.3, there is a concept known as [http://en.wikibooks.org/wiki/Git/Submodules_and_Superprojects|submodules] The [http://rklophaus.com/articles/20100124-SubmodulesAndSubreposDoneRight.html|subgit] script wrapper is available.
+| width=45% | Mercurial has subrepos that support multiple VCS systems including CVS, subversion, and git. The [http://rklophaus.com/articles/20100124-SubmodulesAndSubreposDoneRight.html|subhg] script wrapper is available.
 ! Keywords
-| "[http://www.gelato.unsw.edu.au/archives/git/0610/28891.html| keyword substitution is just stupid]" - Linus in his trademark @$$hole attitude. Do some scripty stuff is his answer. And that is the _right_ answer since it is a huge cause of merge pain while developing. Keywords should be set at release time, not during development. I will develop a release script that handles this for us. -waterdrgon
+| "[http://www.gelato.unsw.edu.au/archives/git/0610/28891.html| keyword substitution is just stupid]" - Linus in his trademark @$$hole attitude. Do some scripty stuff is his answer. No SCM support during build/export for tagging files with a release marker. [/nickpalmer] will develop a release script that handles this for us. The reason it might be regarded is stupid is that you can track every tag and branch to a SHA id, providing precise knowledge of the state of the code for a release (assuming one might use a tag for a release). Consider how jquery uses tags on github to denote release versions.
 | [http://mercurial.selenic.com/wiki/KeywordExtension|Keyword Extension] works like a charm. Supports all existing CVS keywords out of the box.
 ! Cross Platform Support

@@ -19,14 +19,22 @@

 | Rockin' on all platforms - linux, windows, OSX
 ! Build
-| On CentOS, git needed to be upgraded to get super modules. CentOS 5.4+ broke things so the rpm would not build - had to [http://tonkersten.com/archives/2009/11/20/its_broken_again/index.html|docbook dtd definition] to get a Fedora rpm to build properly.
+| On CentOS, git needed to be upgraded to get super modules. The FC13 git-1.7 rpm worked (rpm -ivh --nomd5). One small git.spec tweak was removing the conditional "--vendor" around desktop-file-install, so the line looked just like: "desktop-file-install --vendor fedora --dir=%{buildroot}%{_datadir}/applications %{SOURCE4}" CentOS 5.4+ broke things so the rpm would not build - had to [http://tonkersten.com/archives/2009/11/20/its_broken_again/index.html|edit docbook dtd definition] to get a Fedora rpm to build properly. Replace "4.5" with "4.2" in /etc/asciidoc/docbook.conf
+| Mecurial support is available from the package manager on most distros
+! Windows Installation
+| The reference for installation of git on windows is [http://code.google.com/p/msysgit/|msysgit] but so far attempts to get [http://code.google.com/p/tortoisegit/|TortoiseGit] working with that have not been successful.
+| [http://tortoisehg.bitbucket.org/|TortoiseHg] provides a complete installation in a single package. TortoiseHg is also available on linux for users needing cross OS support.
 ! Migration
-| Migration with cvs2git is a snap with the attached "convert" script: {attachment id=1055}. Note that the script expects the repository to be stored in /cvsroot/bitweaver -Waterdragon
+| Migration with cvs2git is a snap with the attached "convert" script: {attachment id=1056}. Note that the script expects the repository to be stored in /cvsroot/bitweaver -Waterdragon
-| #Migrate each module separately, and then combine [http://stackoverflow.com/questions/12843/how-to-combine-two-projects-in-mercurial]
+| #Migrate each module separately, and [http://stackoverflow.com/questions/12843/how-to-combine-two-projects-in-mercurial|then combine]
+!CIA/IRC notifications
+|There are three scrips - ciabot.pl which is old, ciabot.sh which is configuration free, and ciabot.py which is fast. For the central repo, the following like should be added to foo.git/hooks/update (one line is broken here simply for formatting of his comparison table):{code source=bash}/home/git/ciabot.py ${refname} \
+$(git rev-list ${oldrev}..${newrev} | tac){/code}
+|[http://mercurial.selenic.com/wiki/HgciaExtension|hgcia] extension is painless and can easily support local repo's
Page History
17 Jun 2010 (22:37 UTC)
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