Bitweaver 2.5 is on the loose!
posted by Bobby Richardson on 10 Mar 2009 (12:54 UTC)
Wow, where does the time go? The week of Christmas my newly-minted 21 year old step-daughter managed to fall off an ATV, and it fall on her. Broke her tibia and fibia below the knee.

Completely bed-ridden for three weeks. Rented hospital bed, wheelchair, old-person's walker. And the rest of us as Wallah's - to fetch and carry for her, only not as error free as real Wallah's.

From fiercely independant to completely dependant. A real culture shock for all of us.

21 year old not on family insurance policy any more. Had to switch from the mentally stimulating bitweaver to ramp up the financially stimulating consulting. All that's pretty much in order now.

Lo! and Behold! Bitweaver 2.5 is on the loose! And boy is it a smooth installation, even on my boat anchor Windows XP development machine. Install on my web hosts' Linux box was equally smooth.

Retail software should aspire to be this good.

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